So, thanks to advances in ultrasounds, we discovered that not only does our fascia behave like an elastic rubber band (stores and releases energy)...
...We can actually train the system to be MORE dynamic and explosive!
Instead of tight, brittle, and dry-rotted, we can reclaim our youthful, resilient, and stretchy "rubber band."
Exactly what we need to drive the ball farther.
We used to think that:
Strength + Speed = DISTANCE
Now, the equation looks like this:
Strength + Speed + Hyper-Elasticity = MORE DISTANCE
By adding the force multiplier (hyper-elasticity), we are able to train for more distance than ever.
It sounds too good to be true, but let's take a step back...
Back in the early 90s, nobody thought we could train speed.
You were either fast.
Or, you weren't.
There was no in-between.
Sounds crazy now, but that's really what everyone thought.
Then, a small group of sports performance coaches figured out that using cutting-edge techniques (at the time), we can 100% train athletes to be faster.
And that's exactly what they did (and still do).
Those lucky athletes on the forefront of the performance breakthrough got faster...
Everyone asked, "What in the sam h*** are you doing?"
They shared their methods.
And now there are thousands and thousands of speed coaches, clinics, and gyms throughout the world.
Fast forward to today...and elasticity has become the new speed.
We're just scratching the surface of what is possible, but those on today's forefront are undoubtedly going to have a HUGE advantage over golfers who are slow to adopt the new training.